Come si dice in inglese - Essere pazzi
Essere pazzi -> He's off his rocker
Esempio: You must be off your rocker if you think that's a good idea!
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Come si dice in inglese - Essere pazzi
Essere pazzi -> He's off his rocker
Esempio: You must be off your rocker if you think that's a good idea!
Come si dice in inglese - Essere stupidi
Essere stupidi -> He's not playing with a full deck
Esempio: “If she heard you were talking about her as the short woman not playing with a full deck, chances are you weren’t going to work there the next day,” he said. (The Sacramento Bee)
Come si dice in inglese - Ricevere notizie dal diretto interessato
Ricevere notizie dal diretto interessato -> Hear something straight from the horse's mouth
Esempio: I know it's true, because I got it straight from the horse's mouth – Carlos told me herself.
Come si dice in inglese - Ride bene chi ride ultimo
Ride bene chi ride ultimo -> He who laughs last laughs loudest
Esempio: She may have won this round, but I'm going to come back in the final. He who laughs last, laughs loudest.
Come si dice in inglese - Essere nei guai
Essere nei guai / spacciato -> circling the bowl
Esempio: The Russian economy is circling the bowl because of the sanctions.
Come si dice in inglese - Naufragare / fallire miseramente
Naufragare / fallire miseramente -> Go down in flames
Esempio: Despite all the media hype, the major summer blockbuster went down in flames—hardly anyone went to see it while it was in theaters.
Come si dice in inglese - Venire a conoscenza di un segreto
Sapere / Venire a conoscenza di un segreto -> Get wind of something
Esempio: I don't want my boss to get wind of the fact that I'm leaving.
Come si dice in inglese - Riprendersi, ritrovare forza ed energia
Riprendersi / ritrovare forza ed energia -> Get a second wind
Esempio: Finding a second wind, she rode away from his pursuers.